Categories Of Expense

Categories of Expense
While the expense categories that your ERC consultant reviews largely depend on your specific type of business, typical areas of analysis are listed below. If you don't see your category of interest, be sure to ask your consultant about it.

- Advertising and Promotion
- Bank Services and Loans
- Bookkeeping / CPA Services
- Copying Services
- Credit Card Processing
- Document Storage
- Equipment Lease/Maintenance Contracts
- Express Shipping/Courier Service
- Energy/Power
- Freight
- Insurance - Auto
- Insurance - Health
- Insurance - Liability
- Insurance - Property
- Insurance - Workers Comp
- HR Services
- IT Services
- Janitorial Services
- Maintenance General
- Office Supplies, Toner and Paper
- Office/Building Lease
- Packaging Materials / Supplies
- Payroll Services
- Pest Control
- Printing and Forms
- Taxes
- Telecommunications (Local, Long Distance, Network, Internet, Equip)
- Telecommunications (Wireless)
- Temporary Labor
- Travel (lodging)
- Uniforms
- Water
- Waste/Garbage Removal
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